

The GMR1000 is a compact time server that can reference a variety of timing sources and provide a range of outputs including NTP, PTP, IRIG-B, and SMPTE.

GNSS Simulator & Synchronization Time Firewall für NTS-3000, NTS-4000 und NTS-5000

NTS-3000 provides your LAN with accurate time as STRATUM I NTP server or PTPv2 IEEE1588 GRANDMASTER. UTC a multi-GNSS receiver, redundant operation possible.

NTS-4000 delivers time directly to LAN network using NTP PTPv2 IEEE1588 protocols. NTS-4000 is STRATUM-1, PTP/IEEE1588 GRANDMASTER. OCXO included, IRIG-B in/out, RS-232 (SYSPLEX, ...

NTS-5000 is a Rubidium+OCXO holdover advanced time server,equipped with 2 independent GNSS receiver inputs.

Aktiver GPS-Anti-Störungsfilter für die NTS NTP/PTP Timing Server - Zeit-Firewall-Subsystem

Time Server NTS-pico3 delivers time directly to network using NTP and PTP protocols.

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