

GSS7725 Interferenz Generator

A dedicated interference generator to help you test against GNSS interference
Category: RF Interference
Manufacturer: Spirent Communications

Generate, understand, and protect against RF interference

Whether you’re designing a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) chipset, or integrating a receiver into a device, RF interference can undermine positioning performance and compromise user experience.

Testing against different types of GNSS interference is a key consideration in the development of successful products, and Spirent have developed the GSS7725 to make that more accessible for more businesses.




Introducing the GSS7725

The Spirent GSS7725 is a dedicated RF interference generator that turns I/Q files into interference signals.

Combined with a GNSS simulator, the GSS7725 lets you test your chipset or device in a variety of different interference environments, under controlled, repeatable conditions.

Unlike other standalone interference generators, the GSS7725 seamlessly integrates with Spirent GNSS simulators, test packs and automation tool.


Test a range of interference models

The I/Q files that the GSS7725 uses to generate RF interference waveforms can be loaded from a variety of sources. These include:

  • The Spirent Vulnerabilities and Threats Test Pack – this contains 33 pre-recorded interference signals, covering a broad spectrum of real-world interference types
  • The Spirent GSS200D – you can access interference you have recorded and stored in PT Cloud
  • Spirent Professional Services – we can work with you to develop the custom I/Q files you need

Want to test even faster? The GSS7725 works alongside Spirent PT TestBench to support automated testing of RF interference scenarios.



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